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Projects I have created along the way


This fun little project was built while completing a UDEMY course. I maintained the core design of the training project, but added my own images, colors and information. It was to practice basic HTML/CSS. No icons work. It is a good landing page example.

Etch-A-Sketch Clone
Etch-A-Sketch Clone

An Etch-A-Sketch clone I created while practicing with the Odin Project. The code uses vanilla Javascript. It is pretty cool for what it is, but does not scale for mobile. Just hover your mouse and watch the magic!

Tic Tac Toe
Tic Tac Toe

I built this project to practice JavaScript functions. There are bugs, but I think the core is there. I would like to update it to be more functional. I've since moved on to more production-ready products.

Digital Dealz
Digital Dealz

This is my first project with React. It is a simple store using clothes I had around the house for inventory. I've rebuilt it into a better designed site. It is a real working store using commerce systems and payment routes for transactions.

My Blog, My Business
My Blog, My Business

A simple blog I can use to update my work and thoughts as I build out my business. The intent was to keep it updated but I can't promise that I did! It uses MongoDB for its database, but I've started working with other databases, like Postgres. Based on a project from a Udemy course I took. It's in need of a rewrite, but the core concepts are there.

New Grad Recruitment
New Grad Recruitment

This one is a passion project of mine. It showcases almost everything I know and more. It's built using Material UI. I am particularly proud of this one, as it is a relatively large project. You'll find databases, passwords and conditional functions throughout the site.

OB&T Dispatching Service
OB&T Dispatching Service

My first production website! A beautiful site for a dispatching company. This is a wonderful example of a landing page to advertise and promote services offered.

My Blog 2.0 Redesign
My Blog 2.0 Redesign

A redesign of my existing blog page. I wanted to create a project using existing knowledge as an exercise instead of trying out new frameworks or packages. This is a complete website with all the fixin's!


A new and improved version of Digital Dealz. This store comes with a new design and an updated UI. This one is definitely more robust than the original and a more complete project. The only true bugs are in its load time. It is also a fully functional store.

Bivens Blueprint (Legacy)
Bivens Blueprint (Legacy)

The original version of my homepage. Built using the Bootstrap framework, it is also a wonderful landing page. I redesigned it into the website you see now for a better aesthetic.

Russell's Transport
Russell's Transport

This is an evolution of OB&T Dispatching. Built to represent the company's expanded vision and additional services. While it is still a landing page, it showcases additional functions to allow the company to grow and continue to establish their online presence.

Zombie Me | NFTs
Zombie Me | NFTs

A refreshed version of the Zombies-R-Us project I created. It is an example of a landing page. This project allows you to download a zombie version of me! It is a fun site that displays what a single-page site could look like for you.

Alpha Phi Alpha | Pi Iota Lambda
Alpha Phi Alpha | Pi Iota Lambda

A website for the Pi Iota Lambda chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha. This website uses the bleeding edge framework of Next 13. You'll notice it loads fast and utilizes many components to showcase the chapter and their programs. The Admin pages allows uploading images, adding messages and editing member info.

Dreamers Dance Studio
Dreamers Dance Studio

This project showcases a simple business website and standard features. It is modeled after a Dance and Model studio. All images are template photos found online and belong to their respective owners. The information is also sampled meant as logical placeholders.

My Online Resume
My Online Resume

Every website needs a resume, right? This project is no different from a physical resume, just formatted as a webpage. Naturally, the idea is to showcase my knowledge as a web developer, languages I am familiar in, and the different projects I have worked on. I include a list of the stack each website is built in, as well.

Bivens Boutique
Bivens Boutique

This is an updated redesign of my web store. The difference with this one is I used Next 13 to build and did not connect a true transaction process. Instead, this store is purely for show and to demonstrate Next 13.